Dictionary for German technical
Diese App soll Menschen, die aus einem fremden Sprachraum kommen, mit deutschen Technik-Begriffen vertraut machen. Sie möchte Menschen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Herkunftsregionen ansprechen und ist daher als Bildwörterbuch aufgebaut. Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache werden dabei vorausgesetzt. Die ca. 200 Begriffe sind nach sachlich zusammengehörenden Themenbereichen geordnet. Auf Ihrem Gerät muss ein PDF-Viewer installiert sein.Die App benötigt keine Internetverbindung und greift auch nicht auf das Internet zu.This app shall help people coming from a foreign language area to get familiar with German technical terms. It is designed as a pictorial dictionary to meet the needs of people from totally different regions. Basic knowledge of the German language is recommended. The terms are arranged according to similar subject areas. A PDF viewer must be installed on your device. The app does not need an Internet connection. It does not access the Internet.This app is to make people who come from a foreign language area, familiar with German technical terms. You want to appeal to people from very different regions of origin and is therefore constructed as a Picture Dictionary. Basic knowledge of the German language are provided here. The approximately 200 terms are ordered by objectively mating themes.a PDF viewer must be installed on your device.The app requires no internet connection and does not access the Internet.This app shall help people coming from a foreign language area to get familiar with German technical terms. It is designed as a pictorial dictionary to meet the needs of people from totally different regions. Basic knowledge of the German language is recommended. The terms are Arranged gemäß to similar subject areas.A PDF viewer must be installed on your device.The app does not need an Internet connection. It does not access the Internet.